Get a Copy of Real Life Heavies Latest Album, If Breaking Bad Was A Band!
The Real Life Heavies brand of rock-n-roll is just what you have been wishing would come along. This music has the fun and positive energy from rock-n-roll of the 70’s and 80’s, something that has become a little too angry in the 21st century. “If Breaking Bad Was a Band” will have people watching you at red lights as you shake your ass in the driver’s seat!
The Real Life Heavies are a ingenious blend of multiple genres, with a “heavy” focus on R&B and Rock, mixed together in your favorite rocks glass with your fingers. Laced with a very strong Blues influence, the Real Life Heavies are bringing back sultry and iconic rock and roll sounds from the hero-era. This underground collective is comprised of white collars who still carry the ghosts of the 70’s and 80’s, and yearn to loosen their ties with the release of “new” classic rock and soul….